WUXI BITEBI MACHINERY was certified as a high-tech enterprise in November 2021.

WUXI BITEBI MACHINERY TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD was certified as a high-tech enterprise in November 2021.high tech enterprise Logo

Since the establishment of the company, our company has been continuously carrying out research and development and transformation of technological achievements, forming the core independent intellectual property rights of the enterprise, and carrying out business activities based on this.

Our company is a knowledge-intensive and technology-intensive economic entity.

high-tech enterprise in November 2021


We are a leading die-casting manufacturer, high-integrity aluminum casting and precision machined parts industry supplier, in the field of pneumatic and industrial automation.

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We provide OEM services for our customers according to their specific requirements. More than 90% of the production process is completed in-house, which makes our cooperation with customers more flexible.

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